I have years of experience as a massage therapy and I can give you a massage that will help prevent a lot of pain. I have a unique healing power through the power of touch. This can be felt through my wellness massage techniques such as: Holistic Lomé Lomé Deep Tissue / Chinese Relaxation Massage, Sports Massage, I am passionate and professional. In my work ethic, I always provide 100% quality and provide a safe and nurturing environment for clients. ???????????????? – Good at restoring energy and soothing the body. Allows you to enter a state of relaxation and stillness that frees your mind from obstacles and stabilizes it for new possibilities. A cleansing process also takes place, releasing toxins, clearing the body, releasing physical tension, treating pain and strengthening the immune system. ???????????? Perform deep rhythmic paddling movements to relax muscles while clearing emotional / energy zones. You’re about to embark on a journey that will make you feel energized all over. * Hot oil massage. – Soothing, gentle and powerful muscle relaxant * Swedish massage Muscle relaxant * Deep tissue massage – Promotes deep muscle tone. * Lymphatic massaging – strengthens the immune system and reduces swelling * Head massaging – excellent head relaxant that relieves tension in the neck * Flexibility – works on the feet to relieve tired feet. Some benefits of refreshing massage: 100% stress reduction and increased relaxation. 100% reduction in pain, muscle soreness and tension.
Monday ~ Sunday 9am ~ 10pm
Please text me to book [爱心]