Holistic is good for muscular aches and pains. £50

Reducing any tension or muscle stiffness or fatigue.

Good for relaxation and stress management.

is also very good for painful muscles and long term pain problems like fibromyalgia or chronic pain. Or back or limb pains.

As Deep tissue works at deeper level to help promote deep tension release. Very good for chronic pain and also provides relaxation. After a gym workout muscles need to relax Deep tissue massage is great massage to unwind.


Gentle body massage / £47. Good circulation and well being.

Holistic full body chakra massage combination of deep and to help with relaxation and stress management. Core focus centre of body mind and body relaxation.


I also do Lymphatic Drainage massage / To help Drain Lymph to help immune system . £46.


Available daytimes and some evenings

Please no calls after 9 pm no withheld numbers will not be answered :0) . I do not work after midnight lol.

I will try get back if message is left.


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