Welcome to natralremedy clinic .
Addess:322 ballards lane london ,N12 0EY
professional massage & healthcare clinic in North Finchley
All our experienced doctor and therapists are fully qualified.We provide Accupuncture,Chinese herbal medicine .
Type of service:
Masssage £30/30 minutes,
from 50/60minute.
Special Acupressure Massage from £60/60minutes .
Acupuncture (pre-booking) £40/40minutes,
double side £60/60minutes .
Beauty Acupuncture from £40/40 minuts
Beauty Massage from £40/30minutes .
Hot Cupping £20/session.
Open 6 days :
Monday to Sunday Masseur start from10am to 7:30pm
Doctor works time from 11am to 7pm
Spread, there are clean and nice air music, professional massage therapists with high-quality service!