Oil offered by male athlete in Hemel Hempstead. I’ve had a million and one massages over the years as an athlete and I try and offer what I would seek in order to get one working optimally again. can sometimes leave you feeling a bit beaten up, whereas Swedish can sometimes feel like you have no improvement! My style is therefore to combine an element of both, dependent on the body part. What is required for the knots in your back is very different to the tired feeling in your legs for example.

I have my own gym as well if that is of interest but the massage room has it’s own room in the house. As well as the room, the massage table itself is heated enabling you to relax and leave satisfied and rejuvenated.

Gumtree are a little odd and don’t allow me to post an image of myself despite it usually being the first question asked! I’m an ex sprinter if that helps! Whatsapp if you need to see who you are speaking to.

I dare say you have a few questions and I’ll try and answer a few of the more obvious ones. I use Coconut oil, removed at the conclusion. It’s odourless and doesn’t stain, but do say if you have an allergy to coconuts. Massages are usually done clothing free as oil tends to rot garments, but you obviously have to be comfortable. No judgement here and you can be covered if you prefer.

I charge £65 for an hour. I take £10 on a card initially to book it, the balance can be in cash or card. I’m sure you can appreciate I get messed around a lot from people on here (sigh), this system eliminates it.

I will be not likely be available as you are driving past. Mid afternoons and late evenings are usually the best times as I won’t be in the gym then. 12-24 hours notice will usually be sufficient to book in.

I don’t appreciate prejudice in any form so all are welcome – black, white, man, woman, old, young, tory, labour, gay, straight – or any of the spectrums in-between.

There is parking on the road or a dedicated parking space at the gym next to my car. That is only 25 meters from the front door. I look forward to welcoming you.

Ad ID: 1491803334

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